This is a series of films and recordings made by John in March and April 2020. For full summaries of the films and recordings please download the following files

Co-video 1-5 Full summaries

Meditation – summaries



1:  Playing-in or working out? How to become alive to the present. Changing habits in crisis times. Looking after yourself in a nurturing way. Play and creativity.

2: Don’t just do something – sit there!” How to anybody and focused attention. Breath focused work. Declaring war on distraction. Setting up a 10 minute stillness practice. The power of no and the power of now.

3:  Adventures in Stillness : Exploring the activity-in-stillness and the stillness-in-activity. Devicing and presenting. Embodying the arm reach.

4: Presence and Absence : The spirit of Tai Chi. How to stop killing time and instead own it. Create a shared communal space of emptiness. Joy in the spirit of life.

5: Neediness and self-sufficiency: A key crisis question. Be captured or captivated. Namaste the best in you/the best in me. A nine round breathing exercise. Being in the moment one day at a time.



Meditation 1: Attention and Awareness :

Maintaining and sustaining focused attention. Interplay of breath and support. Awareness and attention.


Meditation 2: The incense of the Earth :

Self-care. Letting go of thinking mind. Breathing in the incense of the Earth. The touch of the breath.


Meditation 3: Ends and Beginnings :

Distraction. Guided focused breathing. Interplay between outside and inside


Meditation 4: Breathe :

A guided 27 breath centred exercise



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